হয়ে উঠুন ইন্ডাস্ট্রি এক্সপার্ট
আমাদের চলার পথ খুব বেশিদিন না, মাত্র ৩ বছর। এই ৩ বছরে আপনাদের সাপোর্ট এবং ভালোবাসায় আমরা মুগ্ধ। এই মুগ্ধতার রেশ যাতে কখনো হারিয়ে না যায়, তার জন্য আমাদের আপ্রাণ প্রচেষ্টা থাকে আপনাকে সেরা ইন্সট্রাক্টর দিয়ে সফটওয়্যার ইন্ডাস্ট্রির প্রফেশনাল বিষয় গুলো হাতে কলমে শিখানো যাতে করে আপনি যথেষ্ট স্কিল্ড হয়ে সেরা কোম্পানি গুলোতে নিজের অবস্থান সুনিশ্চিত করতে পারেন। সফটওয়্যার ইন্ডাস্ট্রি তে ক্ষুদ্র অবদান রাখতে আমরা এখন পর্যন্ত নিয়ে এসেছি ৩ টি কোর্স Full Stack SDET, Advanced Test Automation এবং DevOps with Cloud computing. সাথেই থাকুন।

আমাদের কোর্সসমূহ
Full Stack SDET ()
ব্যাচ 14
In this course you will able to learn the full stack SQA from A-Z including Manual Testing and Automation tools and techniques
কোর্স ফিঃ 0 টাকা
আমাদের বিশেষত্ব
- প্রত্যেক ক্লাস এর পর Google Classroom এর মাধ্যমে Assignment দেয়া হয় এবং মূল্যায়ন করা হয়। কোথাও ভুল করলে কি ভুল হল সেটা সাথে সাথে বুঝিয়ে দেয়া হয়।
- গিটহাবে ১০ থেকে ১২ টি প্রোজেক্ট কমপ্লিট করানো হবে। যাতে করে যে কোন Interviewer আপনার দক্ষতা এবং Coding Capability সম্পর্কে ধারণা করতে পারে।
- মাঝে মধ্যেই থাকবে প্রব্লেম সল্ভিং ক্লাস যেগুলো আপনার আগের ক্লাস গুলো সম্পর্কে যেকোন Confusion দূর করে দিবে।
- প্রত্যেক ক্লাস এর PDF, PPT and Class Recording google drive এ দেয়া হবে এবং যেখানে থাকবে আপনার আজীবন Access!
- প্রত্যেক মাসে Performance এর উপর ভিত্তি করে Top 5 নির্ধারণ করা হবে এবং ৫০০ টাকা Performance reward দেয়া হবে। Performance নির্ধারণ করা হবে আপনার উপস্থিতি এবং সঠিক সময়ে সঠিকভাবে Assignment submit করার উপরে।
- তাছাড়া জব রেফারেন্স, সিভি এবং Linkedin Profile আপডেট সহ Interview তে ভালো করার জন্য সব ধরনের সহযোগিতা করা হবে।
- Course শেষ করার পর একটি Course Completion certificate provide করা হবে।
- পরবর্তী যেকোন ব্যাচ এ যেকোনো ক্লাস করতে পারবেন একদম ফ্রী তে!
আমাদের টীম
Laila Alam Luva Batch 4
CSE, Jahangirnagar University
SQA Engineer at Enosis Solutions
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Assalamualaikum everyone. I am Laila Alam Luva. I have completed my B.Sc. from Jahangirnagar University and I was also a student of Road to SDET(Batch-4). When I was about to complete my graduation, I started to focus on the SQA field and started to learn by myself through youtube videos and other resources. I continued my learning but I felt a lack of confidence and it was just like grasping a concept without understanding something like that. Then after completing my graduation, I was searching for effective course guidelines. Actually, I needed a mentor who could guide me in a proper way. At that time, I randomly found this course(Road to SDET) and it worked as a blessing for me. I found a mentor like Salman vhai whom I was actually looking for. Just after passing one week during the course, I started to realize the change in myself. I found confidence in myself that my chosen path might not be the wrong inshaAllah. This is because of the organized way of running the course, the top 5 declaration process, the helping mentality of the team, and of course the appreciation from Salman vhai. I successfully completed the full course and did all the assignments and projects.
Khalid Bin Showkot Tanim Batch 2
CSE, North South University
SQA Engineer at Robi Axiata Limited
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Completing the SQA Automation course with Road to SDET, under the guidance of Instructor Salman bhai, has been a game-changer for me. As a student in the 2nd batch, I feel privileged to have gained such valuable skills and knowledge. Thanks to this course & the practical training and comprehensive curriculum have boosted my confidence.
Al Adnan Sami Batch 4
Noakhali Science and Technology University
SQA Engineer at Kona Software Lab.
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I recently had the privilege of being a part of a Software Development Engineering in Test (SDET) course led by an exceptional instructor Salman bhai, and I must say that it was an absolute game-changer for my career. I am delighted to share my experience and praise the remarkable qualities that made this instructor truly outstanding.
Siraj Uz Salehin Batch 7
CSE, Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology
SQA Engineer at ReliSource Technologies Ltd.
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I am already a SQA Engineer. Buying a course for Software Testing was challenging. I searched for a quality course in renown platforms like: Udemy and Coursera. But I didn't find the exact course that I was looking for. I was looking for a course where the materials will be different from the mainstream courses. Road to SDET provides the exact QA Automation course where manual QA and Automation QA materials are organized in harmony so that beginners to intermediate learners easily grab the course content flow. The most satisfying fact is that the team is very proactive and well- knowledged. They teach a contemporary approach to develop programming solutions. I enjoyed the course. I recommend the course.
Asif Shahrier Batch 2
CSE, BRAC University
SQA Engineer at DSI (Dynamic Solution Innovators Ltd)
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Salman Rahman is one of the most hard working person I have ever seen in my entire life. As a Software tester, he is super talented in almost every cutting edge technologies and tools. His in-depth expertise in both manual and automation testing is extraordinary. As his disciple, I will say this: I am what I am now because of him. His guidance and mentorship was like a "miracle came true" event for me. He truly is the best in business.
Nibraz Khan Batch 4
CSE, BRAC University
SQA Engineer at DSI (Dynamic Solution Innovators Ltd)
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Salman bhai is very humble, inquisitive, kind, helpful, hardworking and an excellent mentor. It is mostly through him that I have learned key aspects of software and automation testing. He is very helpful and his teaching skills is remarkable aswell. He is indeed a valuable asset for the company he is involved in having exquisite automation skills having a smart mindset . He is also managing a online training program teaching masses about automation and testing concepts which I also took part. He is spreading the knowledge and also playing a key role setting a standard/ culture in this growing industry of Software automation testing here in Bangladesh. I wish him my best regards in his future endeavours.
Fariha Rahman Batch 6
CSE, Jahangirnagar University
Jr. SQA Engineer at Square Health Ltd.
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Thank you vaiya amader jonno eto valo ekta course create korar jonno. Class, teaching quality everything is top notch. Amar ekta bodobvash ache, assignment ba kono kaje kothao atke gele ota thik na korar ag porjonto seta niyei chinta korte thaki, eta te khub valo support peyechi, kono ekta question korar pray shathe shathe e ans peyechi. Ei course amar time management o improve koreche.
Nazmul Hoque Ovi Batch 1
SQA Engineer at BJIT
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Salman bhai, mentor of Road to SDET, is one of the best instructors I have ever seen. He is a great automation professional and helps me how to make a professional cv, how to write good test case, Web, API and mobile App automation script. I think that anyone can easily build his or her career if he or she follows salman vai's guideline and enroll Road to SDET course.
Al Fahad Hossan Nirab Batch 6
SQA Engineer at Tiger IT
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I was a Job Holder batch student of Road to SDET, Batch-6. First of all, let me explain my situation. I was a remote job holder from September of last year. To be honest, I was the only tester in this company, without any supervision. It started to become evident by January that I should find a way out from this company as soon as possible. However, the job market conditions were known to everyone. In January, contemplating the situation, I got enrolled in Road to SDET. From the beginning, I attended classes on Manual Testing basics, JMeter, API Testing, JUnit, TestNG, and other frameworks listed in the course. I managed to grasp the classes' content well, except for the automation aspect, where my knowledge was not as strong. Nevertheless, after completing the classes, there was a significant improvement, although maybe not 100% proficiency. There was a considerable difference, and I realized that if I aim to become an SQA engineer and polish my basic knowledge in automation, Road to SDET is the right place for me to learn how to crack the job market.
Ahnaf Ahmed Batch 5
CSE, North South University
SQA Engineer at Millennium Information Solution Ltd.
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Road to SDET is the leading online platform for learning Manual and Automated Software Testing It is a proper, smooth course map for learning Software Testing materials. Salman Rahman Bhaia is the best instructor that I have ever seen in the SQA field. His direct guidance Helps a lot to the student of SQA Learners. He Helps to write a CV and recommends his students to reputed Software companies. He continuously tries to Help all the students where they are stuck and willing to learn. I saw many software companies who respect Salman Rahman Bhaia and his online learning Institute Road To SDET. I did not know SQA before doing this course. and after this course, I felt enough confidence to do a job in the SQA field. If anyone wants to build his career in SQA my strong recommendation is to do this course without any hesitation. This course is designed from scratch, and it will be very helpful for those who want to learn about SQA from the beginning. I am very sure that you never feel regret doing this course in the future.
Sayma Farzana Nushin Batch 7
CSE, Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology
Sr. SQA Engineer at BRAC IT
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Road to SDET is a platform which is organized and resourceful learning platform. I have been with this platform for almost 3 months now and learned so many things. It has been Very helpful and I wish this platform a very bright future ahead. The vast knowledge and coverup in every subject was is and will be always a handy resource in my work. Thanks a lot @Salman Rahman vaia for your effort and contribution.
Musfika Jahan Batch 7
CSE, Jahangirnagar University
SQA Engineer at BRAC IT
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Vaiya first of all thank you for this life changing course. Protita class e onek beshi informative thake and dekha jai jodi class a kono kichu complex lage sheta recording dekhe nij practice korlei r complex lagena..class a jevabe chotto chotto basic theke shuru kore boro boro bishoigula o eto shundor vabe bujhai deya hoi tarpor r confusion r jaiga thakena..r problem hoile discord a share korlei solution pawa jai khub kom shomoyei..eta khub valo..assignment gula eto interesting thake j jokhon nije bujhe shune step by step korte thaki instruction onujayi and at last jokhon appropriately run kore tokhon khub valo lage and eta actually amr confidence e onek impact feltese..mone hoche asholeo ekhn onek kichu shikhe gesi. Top 5 a ebar nijer naamta dekhe onek valo lagtese
Sabbir Mridha Batch 1
SQA Engineer at Reve Systems
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I have completed the Full Stack SQA course from Road to SDET . Salman Vai is very expert test automation mentor.The learning I have taken from Salman Vai and Road to SDET has helped me a lot during starting my SQA career in various startups.
Toufa Rani Saha Batch 8
CSE, Daffodil Int'l University
SQA Engineer at CMED Health
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Had I not been admitted to the course, I would not have had such a deep understanding of automation! I have benefited a lot from the course, missed some classes due to pooja which I will complete soon. I am very satisfied about the course content and lectures. Because the content was fully covered and understandable. @Salman Rahman bhai and @Pollab Ahmed bhai tried their best to teach us automation.
Abu Bakkar Siddik Batch 6
SQA Engineer at Smart Crowd
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Alhamdulillah, I am extremely grateful to have achieved the top 5 position for two consecutive times and I attribute this success to the unwavering guidance and Support of @Salman Rahman vaiya and @Pollab Ahmed vaiya. I feel blessed to have such dedicated and knowledgeable individuals in my life who have helped me excel in my endeavors. With their Continuous support and encouragement, I am confident that I can accomplish even greater feats in the future.
Auntor Acharja Batch 1
Sr. Test Automation Engineer at Brotecs Technologies Limited
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I just want to thank Salman vai (mentor of Road to SDET) from bottom of my heart for all his wonderful guidelines. Due to his guidelines, I am able to join a great company and I would like to that you from bottom of my heart. God bless you always and thank you so much. Best wishes for Road to SDET family.
Muhammad Mamunur Rashid Batch 2
CSE, Southeast University
Sr. SQA Engineer at Arogga Ltd.
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Road To SDET is an online specialized organization to become a full-stack software automation tester. In my opinion, this is the best online platform to learn both manual and automation testing. The instructor of this organization is Salman Rahman Bhai. He is approachable and responsive to students' questions and concerns. He provides timely feedback and guidance, helping students overcome challenges and improve their skills. He effectively explains complex concepts and technical terms in a way that is easy to understand. He provides clear instructions and examples, making it easier for students to grasp the material. He always keeps the class engaged and motivated throughout the course. He uses a variety of teaching methods such as interactive discussions, group activities, and case studies to make the learning experience enjoyable and interactive. He also emphasizes the practical application of software testing techniques. He provides real-world examples and hands-on exercises, allowing students to apply their knowledge and develop practical skills.
Kazi Tazul Islam Batch 6
Jr. SQA Engineer at InNeed Intelligent Cloud
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Alhamdulillah vaiya jei expectation niye enroll korechilam tar cheye onk beshi kichu ai course theke shikhte perechi ....all credit goes to you vaiaya @Salman Rahman ...apni amder valovabe proti ta topic shikhiyechen.... Thank you so much @Salman Rahman vaia and @Pollab Ahmed vai...onk onk shuvo kamona road to sdet ar jonno
Md. Omar Batch 1
SQA Engineer at Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB)
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I've never completed a course like this before (remote) and I cannot express how great the instructor was and the overall content of the material. If you ask me this question, how can you construct a career in software automation? I must tell you about Salman Bhai, the guide of the ROAD TO SDET. In my opinion, I see him as one of the best mentors in Bangladesh. I would definitely recommend this to my co-workers as well as friends.
Moshiur Rahman Batch 1
SQA Engineer at TikWeb Bangladesh
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If you ask me this question about how can build a carrier in software automation, I must tell him about Salman Bhai, the mentor of road to SDET. I got all the benefits from Salman Bhai on my job getting journey .How to make a cv, face to interview. In my opinion, I see him as one of the best SQA professionals and mentor in Bangladesh. If anyone wants to do carrier in SQA. I must ask him to do a class of Road to SDET
Istiak Ahmed Shawon Batch 6
CSE, Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology
SQA Engineer at Automation Solutionz
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In my opinion, This is the Best platform in our country to learn both Manual & Automation Testing. The mentor of Road to SDET, Salman Bhai is one of the best. He taught us from the root briefly. Also He emphasized us to complete all the 12 projects which was very helpful for me to get my first job and also to work in my job. Anybody who will be serious throughout the course will be surely benefited. In this course there is Java Programming module is also included, That also helped me a lot. And lastly there is mock interview sessions available which is based upon real life scenario. This is very helpful to find out the lacking. I recommend anyone to join this course to become a successful Full Stack SQA & Test Automation Engineer.
Musfiqur Rahman Foysal Batch 7
CSE, Jahangirnagar University
SQA Engineer at Mir Info Ltd
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The Full Stack SQA course by Road to SDET is an excellent resource for anyone looking to become an SDET. The course is comprehensive and covers all of the essential topics, including manual testing and automation testing. The instructor, Salman Bhai, is a highly experienced SDET with a wealth of knowledge. He is a great teacher and can explain complex concepts in a clear and concise way. The course is also very well-organized and easy to follow. I highly recommend this course to anyone who is serious about becoming an SDET for Freshers and Job Holders.
Hebron Hossain Hamim Batch 5
CSE, United International University
SQA Engineer at Progoti Systems Ltd. (TallyKhata)
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One of the best course focusing on SDET. They cover a wide range of technologies in their courses. Before enrolling into a course, I was going through the outlines of all the courses of different institutions. I found theirs the best and hence enrolled into their one of the courses in batch 5. I recommend them and wish their success.
Mahmudur Rahman Nahid Batch 5
SQA Engineer at Smart Crowd
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In my opinion, this is the best platform to learn Manual and Automation testing. Also specially for fresh graduates who are confused about their future path and willing to take a shot at SQA this is the place I recommend. The instructors in this course, the slides, and the examples shown in class are standard. If you do the projects and classes properly, I can surely say that you will have an advantage in the entry-level sector. Also if you get stuck while solving a problem you can easily get one-to-one help from them. You can give mock interviews, which are also taken by reputed QA experts from different companies which will give you an idea before applying for real jobs.
Partha Pratim Deb Batch 7
Sr. SQA Engineer at Graphic People Ltd
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I really enjoyed this course on Road to SDET. It was very informative and engaging. The instructor was knowledgeable and helpful. He explained the concepts and tools clearly and gave many examples and exercises. The course covered everything from the basics of software testing and automation to the advanced topics of Selenium WebDriver, Java, TestNG, RestAssured and more. I learned how to design and execute effective test cases, use popular tools for automated testing, and prepare for SDET projects. The course also had hands-on projects and assignments that helped me practice and demonstrate my skills.
Shahana Parvin Batch 7
Sr. SQA Engineer at Orange Solution Ltd.
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I am thrilled to share my incredible experience with the "Road to SDET" training program led by the exceptional Salman Rahman Bhai. As an ISTQB certified SQA professional with a few years of experience in manual testing, I was eager to enhance my skills and dive into the world of automation testing. Little did I know that this training would be a life-changing turning point in my career.
Sharmin Rahman Batch 6
ECE, Jahangirnagar University
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Ami ECE background er jodio MSc koracy CSE te tobuo ami coding k khub basi voi paitam. Sobar moto amaro dharona cilo SQA te hoito coding tamon lage na sai preservative thakai amr ai course kortay asa kintu akhn ase amr dharona puratai change hoie gase. R akhn ami tik e amr voi er sai coding korcy onek easy vabe r sata somvob hoise sudhu matro Salman vaiya r karone. Vaiya sob kisu ato easy vabe sikhaise je amr moto coding vitu manus er r akhn r ager moto voi lage na. I am very lucky to have them in my new journey.
Majhar Towsif Batch 6
MSC in Data Science, Friedrich Alexander University, Nuremberg, Germany
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Alhamdulillah, it was a great journey. Learned many new topics from you. Which will brighten my professional life. ROAD to SDET was more than I expected. Not only did I learn new elements here, I also learned many professional approaches.
Afrin Binte Amzad Batch 6
CSE, BRAC University
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Alhamdulillah bhaia, onek kichu shikhechi apnar kach theke. Kono topics niye eto dhorjo niye in details apni bujhiyechen je shob topics e Allah er rohomote clear hoyechi. Ar always je support and course ta te lege thakar jonne je push korechen tar jonne grateful thakbo Bhaia. Always will do prayer for you and Road To SDET . Also, thanks to pallob Bhaia. Bhaia o onek helpful chilo through out this course. Onek onek dooa thakbe bhaia apnader jonne always.
Sharmin Reya Batch 2
CSE, Eastern University
Jr. SQA Engineer at Automation Solutionz
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Myself Sharmin Rahman. After completion the course I was appointed as an intern SQA at Excel IT AI. Now i'm happy to share that, Alhamdulillah last day, i got my appointment letter from Automation Solutionz as Junior SQA Automation Engineer. In this recruitment journey your guidance and knowledge that you have shared with us help me a lot.It can be said that your course materials and guidance are the only reason for this successful recruitment of mine. Thanks for being a great mentor. I will always grateful to Road To SDET team.
Dola Rani Mondal Batch 7
CSE, Varendra University
Associate SQA Engineer at WebX Global Ltd
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I have recently been attending the "Road To SDET" course by Salman Bhaiya and I can confidently say that it has already exceeded all my expectations. If there's one word to describe our teacher, it would be "exceptional." From day one, it is evident that our instructor isn't just an expert in the field of software testing and test automation but also genuinely passionate about sharing their knowledge with us. The curriculum is thoughtfully designed, covering a wide range of SQA topics, including test planning, test cases design, automation, and defect management. The practical exercises and hands-on projects allowed us to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios, enhancing our problem solving skills and boosting our confidence as SQA professionals.
Mirza Minhaj Arafat Ayon Batch 6
SQA Engineer at Hishabee Ltd.
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It was really a soothing journey with ROAD to SDET team specially Salman Bhai helped us a lot. His every class, every suggestions, every tips, every motivations helped me a lot to to make my confidence level high and apply for jobs also Alhamdulillah I got my first job from my first interview. Interesting thing is I got my job before completing the course , hope my batchmates and future Road to SDET family members will achieve highest level of success.
Maria Akter Mimi Batch 7
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Course curriculum er kotha bolete gele vaiya ami almost 3 month wait korci apnader course ta e korbo bole, apnader curriculum dekhe. Ar class to as usual informative thake khub e, kintu nije korte giye problem hole apni jerokom timely solution bolar try koren aita khub besi effective. Nije nije kono task korte gele jokhon onek bar try korar por successfully complete kori tokhon khub valo lage ar ato ta patience amar chilo na kicu niye ato din lege thakar ba na hole ato bar try korar , kintu ai course ta korar por ei bapar e noticeable improvement hoice amar.
Salman Dhrubo Batch 5
SQA Engineer at Riseup Labs
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Road to Sdet offers the best SQA online course in Bangladesh in my opinion. Both of their Manual and Automation part is outstanding specially the Automation part. The course structure is well organised and perfectly planned. All the assignments are made in a way that helps me to improve my skills. Really liked the instructors teaching strategies and techniques. They teach everything deeply and in details. They provide 24/7 help support to their students. And course price is less than other institutions out there which is a very helpful for the students. I got my first job before my graduation and Road to Sdet helped me a lot. Thank you very much Road to Sdet.
Aminul Islam Shezan Batch 1
Sr. SQA Engineer at Orbund Bangladesh
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One of the best lecturers I've ever seen is Salman Bhai, the mentor of Road to SDET. He is a fantastic automation expert who has taught me how to write a professional resume, how to build solid test cases, and how to automate Web, API, and mobile Apps. Anyone interested in becoming a successful test automation engineer should enroll in this course.
Fayrose Sayeda Batch 8
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As we approach the end of this course, I'd like to share some feedback. I've explored various manual and automation testing courses on different online platforms and often felt overwhelmed by the heavy focus on theory. SDET brought a refreshing change with its practical and hands-on project demonstration. The hands-on project demonstrations have been a standout feature. These sessions were a lifeline for someone like me with limited practical experience. Salman and Pollab vai not only clarified complex concepts but also boosted my confidence. The teaching quality is exceptional. Instructors are not only knowledgeable but also remarkably supportive and understanding. They've created an environment that encourages questions, making the learning process engaging and enjoyable. I really appreciate the whole team specially @Salman Rahman vaia @Pollab Ahmed vaia and @Jamil Kawsher vaia for their valuable time & knowledge.
Tanvir Mitul Batch 5
Jr. SQA Engineer at Itechsoft Solutions
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If anyone wants to build career in testing field, then without any doubt Road to SDET is the best option for them. Not only the testing fundamentals, in software industry level, how the testing is done, that also taught attentively at Road to SDET. Students of roadtosdet are in all the top level software companies of Bangladesh. So there is a huge opportunity for job recommendation in big companies. All their classes are intuitive and very organized. If one does their classes regularly, attentively & also practices, at the end of the course they will have a good in-depth knowledge about the testing and getting a job will be much easier for them. Their mentors Salman Rahman & Pollab Ahmed. These two guys are truly gentleman. Their teaching style is so unique & easy to understand. Especially Salman Rahman vai, whom I consider as my elder brother with 8+ years of experience in the testing industry, has a deep knowledge of testing, whether it's manual or automation. Pollab Ahmed, who is my friendly person, is as sincere as he is in knowledge. However, if someone wants to take his/her career to another level in the testing field, there is no other best option in Bangladesh except Road to SDET. And lastly I want to add something, I was completely off track, after taking the course at Road to SDET my life turned around by the grace of Allah.
Jamil Kawsher Batch 5
CSE, Daffodil Int'l University
Jr. SQA Engineer at A1QA
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It was a good journey with Road To SDET. I feel So Much lucky that I choose this course. Because there were so many marketing gimmicks, this course needs More exposure. I always try to understand core things first, and here is the main advantage of this course Salman Bhai is such a good mentor that he tries to explain every single topic. I am very heartful To @Salman Rahman bhai and @Pollab Ahmed bhai For Their great support throughout the course.
Mufrad Mustavi Batch 6
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Alhamdulillah vaiya, akkebare SQA er 0 knowledge theke shuru krechilam course ta. But akhn jotesto SQA shomondhe jani shudhu matro @Salman Rahman and @Pollab Ahmed vai er jonno. Jekono beginner er jnno ai course jotesto effective hobe learning, skillful and job find er jnno. Most importantly Salman vai ar Pollab vai er bhujhanor style ta onek shundor. Easily catch kora jai and I think each and every class jevhbe new new jinish shikhsi onno kno course e emn shikhano hobe na. Thank you so much for generously offering your support and guidance to us.
Nazrul Islam Batch 6
CSE, International Islamic University Chittagong
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First of all, Thanks to @Salman Rahman & @Pollab Ahmed Bhai for their non-stop support. I am truly impressed with the exceptional training provided by Road to SDET and the hands-on approach to teaching SQA is remarkable. I am grateful to learn from @Salman Rahman & @Pollab Ahmed .
Abdullah AL Noman Batch 6
Primeasia University
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Onek frustration , direction less obosthay ami online e search diyesilam best SQA course in Bangladesh.Okhan theke ami Road To SDET er naam jante pari. Ai 3 month er course suru korar por ami onek kisu shikhte parsi and mostly amar nijer proti ekhon ektu confidence aise.baki allah vorosha.All credits @Salman Rahman vai and @Pollab Ahmed er. oneline er kono course er instructor je emon boro vai er moto guide korbe amar expect silo na.Thank you @Salman Rahman vai. I hope to continue learning from you and following in your footsteps.Road To SDET onek dur jak, doya roilo.